What is a wall memory?
This is the energy deposited unconsciously by a place's inhabitants. It mainly corresponds to the emotions experienced and will mark the spot. The denser, more intense, heavy, or complicated the feelings, the more the memory of the walls will be loaded.
This vital notion in geobiology also corresponds to the "traces of previous occupants" found in the Feng Shui framework.
Intuitively, we say that an old house will be more likely to have a loaded memory, but this is not automatic; a home where there is always a serene, loving, benevolent climate will be less loaded than a new house where conflicts broke out on the site between the workers, between the builder and the client, a house that a family has habited with a lot of conflict. Therefore, the walls' memory is systematically verified in a geobiological study without any preconceptions about the age of the building.
If we compare computers, the walls are hard drives, and the memory is, in a way, old programs that we have not chosen but which are always running.
The geobiologist's role is crucial in this process. Their action involves training these 'hard drives' to erase old programs and replace them with new software that we master, which will be adapted to the new occupants to improve their quality of life. This reassures us that there are effective solutions to cleanse negative energies.
Therefore, the geobiological study of a house systematically includes measuring the memory of the walls. When it is detected at a worrying level, it will be the subject of a specific cleaning action.
This action of cleaning the places is deeply rooted in many traditions. For instance, the spring cleaning of our grandmothers allowed the energy to circulate again in the houses, connecting us to a broader tradition of energy cleansing.
The salt cure also allows for cleansing the energies. Cleaning with incense or sage was also a technique practiced in our countryside.
The Romans burned thyme to clean the buildings with the fumes of it before settling there.
In Russia, forms of energy cleaning are still well presented in their habits; the first step is to put the cat in the house or apartment; when it has finished going around the place, a first cleaning is carried out; the second step is to pass along the walls with a lit candle, when the flame flickers, they consider that information stored in the wall has just left. (The cleaning is done when the candle has passed along all the walls and the flame no longer flickers).
Feng Shui also includes protocols for cleaning places using sound to purify.
Objects Memory
Objects can also have memories. We will also check the memory of objects that can also carry stories. A piece of family furniture will carry part of the family history. If I recover the dresser of a depressed person, I bring this energy into my house, and it risks affecting me.
A piece of furniture bought from an antique dealer will also have a history that we know nothing about, and in some cases, its energy can become very annoying.
Another example is second-hand or family jewelry, which will carry the energy of the person who wore it before. This can be uncomfortable for the wearer without taking the precaution of cleaning it beforehand. (Clothes and objects passed between members of the same family/house are not to be feared; a form of microclimate reigns between its members.)
Thus, without realizing it, we can bring objects into our homes that will generate discomfort, illness, conflicts, etc. (Poisoned gifts, objects brought back from abroad, and artifacts must be particularly monitored). This highlights the potential risks and the need for caution and awareness when it comes to the objects we bring into our living spaces.
Land Memory
The last one is land memory; it works the same as wall memories but on the land and the soil where the house is built. If your land has had a battlefield, an old cemetery, or even an animal slaughter place, the earth's ground is impregnated with those negative, heavy energies.
For example, an old battlefield will carry the aggressiveness, violence, and suffering that were expressed on the site. These battles will mark the place and express themselves through the memory of the place hundreds or thousands of years later. If a house is built on this type of site, it will be under the influence of this battle energy, and the atmosphere of the house will be more aggressive and conflictual without us understanding why.
A site can also be marked without it being linked to events that took place on it, whereas land filled with rubble that comes from a marked site will also be marked by the memory embedded in the rubble.
This notion of memory is essential in geobiological diagnosis. It is part of the environment in the same way as underground watercourses, faults, cavities, the typology of the subsoil, etc.